Providing Local Development Plan evidence for Belfast City Council
Belfast City Council published a tender document seeking specialist advice to inform the appropriate population and housing growth for the Belfast Local Development Plan. In responding to the tender, Edge Analytics were asked to provide demographic expertise, with Turley Associates responsible for the main body of LDP recommendations.
Using its proprietary demographic software suite, Edge compiled demographic evidence for Belfast and other LGDs in Northern Ireland, providing the basis for an analysis of the historical patterns and trends in population and household change.
Edge Analytics worked in partnership with Turley Associates to compile appropriate output and documentation to support each stage of development of the Belfast LDP analysis. Edge’s demographic technology has also been used by the Northern Ireland Statistics and Research Agency (NISRA) itself to derive its 2012- and 2014-based LGD population and household projections.
"We have worked jointly with Edge Analytics on all of our housing evidence over the last 9 years. We have always found the demographic modelling outputs they provide of the highest quality. Clients appreciate their capacity to interpret complex datasets and go the extra mile to provide robust advice."